Monday, June 17, 2024

so, today was Monday, day 1 of my new job.

 and it went great, and I had a Double Double after work and after running errands... and I was order #7. 

Yup, today was good. 


  1. Wonderful news Jesse, eagerly looking forward to details!

    1. thank you! It's severely cutting into my ability to post more! Damn it!
      I got hired to be the only full time guy working for a business owner who has contracts all over the county to maintain and repair the gym equipment at company, corporate, and condo gyms.
      They surprisingly get used a lot, collect dust and dirt, and all the adjustable seat heights, etc, get harder to operate.
      It's quite a different style of job from what I'm used to, it's no hurry, no appointments, no etc etc
      Possibly a lot like a swimming pool cleaner, lots of variety in locations through the day, eat at whatever local burrito or burger place is in the area, and not sit a bench under pressure to fix junk electronics

  2. Congratulations on the new job!
