Thursday, October 26, 2023

from 25 years hibernation in a backyard, to being a commuter again: roughly 16 hours labor, less than $1,000 in parts, and about $300/yr insurance


  1. I'd drive that.

    1. Oh me too... I'd love to hear from someone, hey, just get this rust free bug out of my back yard... and 1500 dollars later, you're driving a car. That's just nuts. I spent more on my laptop 13 years ago (hey, I'm still using it, it was a good choice)
      My question, is WHY did anyone leave a good car in the yard? Either use it, or sell it. Make a choice to get something in return for the possession of it!
      Anyway, my cousin's kid was the lucky guy to get it, the numbers are accurate.
      It just blows my mind that there was a ready to go bug in a back yard, out of the view of the passersby. He got lucky and learned of it, and the owners just wanted it to go away after 25 years of sitting there.

  2. Damn, I am yellow of envy!
