Thursday, June 01, 2023

A pair of unattended sunglasses magnified the sunshine, which then melted the dashboard and left this car destroyed as the reflected sunlight melted through the interior

this reminds me of two other news stories from a couple years ago, the light reflected off a skyscraper damaged a Jaguar,  
and the sunlight reflected by a side mirror on a motorcycle melted the seat


  1. That happened many years ago to my grandfather when they went camping/hunting, in their 54 Chevy.
    he always carried water in glass one gallon jugs, the curved glass set the carpet on fire, then the heat from the fire caused the glass to break and the water extinguished the fire. they came back to the car a few days later and the carpet was burned and the glass jug was broken, and thats the only logical explanation.

    1. that experience has to raise eyebrows! A unique set of circumstances, an unexpected fire, that causes it's original ignition source to extinguish the fire. Bizarre! Thanks!
