Wednesday, September 08, 2021

this sums it up in as few words as possible


what it didn't have space to say, I'll add here... who the hell are you protecting yourself from in the car alone with a mask on? 

What are you afraid is going to attack you, in your car, alone, that a mask will protect you from? Air? If something is going to get you in the air, in your car, through the cabin air filter... that mask isn't going to stop it, as you'll have what ever you're afraid of, all over your clothes, skin, etc. 

Am I wrong? Did I miss the important public service announcement where the govt told everyone why you need a mask on, in your car, alone?


  1. I drive through the Chicago Loop four times a month (two round trips), and it astonishes me that so many drivers I see are alone, windows up and all masked up. Across every demographic! Joe Goebbels would be proud of Fauci, the CDC and major tee-vee networks.

  2. Same stupid people here in Europe.
    And even on the packaging it is stated that the masks do not protect against any virus.

    1. They don't protect, they limit the spreading. Ergo they protect others if you are infected and you, if someone else is infected near you. Basic knowledge.

    2. There is no need to protect yourself against a virus that kills so few people. There is no pandemic. And children need to breathe, not suffocate.

    3. Well said Batman! Right to the point! Common knowledge has it there was only one Joker. Not so. Several of them appear here, explaining in cleverly nuanced language the reasons it makes sense to wear a mask while in their car alone.

    4. Yeah, I'm sure that families of 656 thousand dead in US alone agree with you "Batman" that there is no pandemic. You can perfectly fine breath in mask, if someone suffocate in it then it is a very good moment to visit a doctor because that person have a serious problem with lungs. And rlk, chill snowlfake, you don't need to write essays how you are high and mighty.

    5. What did your 656,000 die of? From a virus or other pathologies? How many deaths in 2020 compared to previous years? You should read the books of Klaus Schwab to light up your mind.

  3. You are on your way home from a meeting, function, or shopping at a crowded location where the mask kept you from breathing most of the airborne virus. You get back to your car with you,your clothing and that mask covered with formerly airborne virus that have stuck on. You don't think the circulating air in the car will become contaminated with that virus?
    Granted this is an extreme example but you don't know where they've been.

    1. if it is assumed that there is a lot of airborne virus, which I do not agree with. If instead your hypothetical person was in the most extreme viral laden ward of the Wuhan virus lab? Yeah, maybe then amount could catch a ride on the clothing, but in any ordinary American work office, meeting, or crowded location? Where it's already unlikely that anyone has the Covid, and is breathing it out hard enough to get live contagious amounts on that hypothetical person, I still doubt that the viral particles would be dislodged into an airborne draft, and by the narrowest of odds, not stick to something else in the car but instead get inhaled into a breath and into the body where it could become a problem

    2. Delta is airborne and highly contagious. Alpha, Beta, and Gamma (the early variants) had an exposure time of about 15 minutes before the viral load was high enough to risk a serious infection. Delta is approximately 1000x the load in the same time period.
      I wear mine in the car frequently. Leave one store, head to the next down the road. Can either deal with putting it back on in 5 minutes, or do something normal like leave it on. When we respond to a call (volunteer EMS), I put it on before I leave the house, much easier to deal with it, especially an N95 which has a specific procedure to make sure it is on properly.

  4. I guess one positive is that it highlights how pathetic are those snowflakes who say it hurts to wear a mask.

  5. Of all the things for the grannies to bitch about! Honestly, your proud politics are destroying you. You could be so much more. This is up there with brake checks.

    1. Grannies? I'm not a woman, I have no kids, and there fore no grand kids.
      Proud politics? What political ideology have I mentioned? What political party am I a member of, who have I voted for?
      Could be so much more? Like what? Some how I can't even imagine what that could be, please, inform me of what is possible

    2. Your liberal instincts are showing Dee. First, like most liberals you're not paying close attention to what's being said. No one is “bitching” about some buffoon acting like a moron. It’s the absurdity of the matter that actually provides a touch of humor. The only thing funnier than some masked, enlightened luminary driving alone in a car is the proposition to mask up during sex. Good grief! Think I’m kidding? This from the web: September 8, 2020 -- Canada’s chief public health officer has issued safe sex guidelines for the coronavirus pandemic, including recommending you wear a face mask during sexual encounters with someone outside your quarantine group. “Sex can be complicated in the time of COVID-19, especially for those without an intimate partner in their household or whose sexual partner is at higher risk for COVID-19,” Dr. Theresa Tam wrote. “Like other activities during COVID-19 that involve physical closeness, there are some things you can do to minimize the risk of getting infected and spreading the virus.” The sexual activity with the lowest risk, she said, “involves yourself alone.” But if you “choose to engage in an in-person sexual encounter with someone outside of your household or close contacts bubble,” skip the kissing and face-to-face contact and “consider wearing a mask that covers the nose and mouth,” she said. Also, make sure to use a condom, monitor yourself and your partner for coronavirus symptoms, and limit alcohol use so you can make good decisions, she wrote.“

      Thank the good Lord for the likes of Dr. Theresa Tam, who is right on top (no pun intended) of things by offering her keen insights. Where would we be without her?

      Then like every liberal on the planet you have to politicize the issue.

      And finally, in the finest tradition of a liberal you have decided for someone else what they can or cannot be. I bet you live in California. (No offense Jesse...)

    3. When will Americans ever learn what the word liberal actually means.Your goddam constitution was a liberal document based on liberal principles. Put simply a liberal is one who believes in personal liberty.As a footnote every action a person takes is political.Politics 101.

    4. Hate to bust you academic bubble Bill, but the Constitution was not based on liberal traditions. The philosophical roots of the Constitution were anchored in the Declaration of Independence, and the Declaration had it’s roots in Natural know, the part that says that it’s self evident we’re endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, and the purpose of government is to protect those rights. Sadly that’s all down the toilet today, but it was a neat idea while it lasted. Contemporary liberalism is diametrically opposed to 18th century classical liberalism, which finds expression today in the libertarian movement. Modern liberalism has nothing to do with promoting individual liberty, and it’s a damn shame anyone believes that.

    5. Hi RLK you are not busting my academic bubble.There was no liberal tradition at that time and John Locke's writings were what the constitution was based on. Natural Law is a wonderful red herring though.You obviously did not get far in school it seems from your comments.

    6. Bill...You said in a previous post that the Constitution “...was a liberal document based on liberal principles.” Again, your words not mine. In a subsequent post you say, “There was no liberal tradition at that time…” Pardon my confusion, but it would seem that if there was no “liberal tradition at that time,” there could be no paper that was “a liberal document based on liberal principles.”
      Perhaps you could clarify that.

      You also suggest that the Constitution was based on John Locke. (There were other sources as well, minor figures like Blackstone come to mind…) But just for the fun of it let’s grant it was just John Locke. May I draw your attention to a web site called “Natural Law, Natural Rights, and American Constitutionalism.” On that sight we have an article entitled, “John Locke and the Natural Law Tradition.” A quote from that article is as follows: “In the Second Treatise of Government, Locke’s most important political work, he uses natural law to ground his philosophy.”

      Did you get that Bill, or did it go right over your head? The writer considers Locke’s most important political work to be grounded in natural law. Some red herring, huh?

      I do have to confess to one minor error. I expressed my regret that your academic bubble had popped. I was wrong. You never had one, as you have made clear. The pathetic ad hominid shot you offer is clear evidence you have no argument, and no foundation for argument. Best wishes anyway...

    7. I stand by what I say that the US constitution is a liberal document at a time when others in relation to constitutions did not exist.There has to be a beginning somewhere. I do not know why you don't acknowledge the liberal beginnings of the US constitution? As far as natural laws go that is such an ill defined and vague term when discussing politics. What is with the red flag that the term liberal triggers so many Americans? Thanks for your response dismissive that it is.I guess in your mind anyone who faults your point of view has no argument.Have a nice day my friend.

  6. There are some reasons that would explain you have mask alone in car. You know that you are infected and you want to limit spreading of virus in your car if someone else will drive it after you or you will use it to transport a person who is in the group at risk. Or when you drive a short-term rental or a borrowed car. But if you are a sole user of that car, there is indeed no strong reason to wear it inside. Well beyond maybe some physical comfort if someone is really afraid of infection ect.

  7. hm, other take - why do you care? it's their car, their mask, their choice.

    Plus, I sometimes ride with the mask on if I just got out of a shop or a meeting and don't have anywhere to dump it or any way to clean my hands.

    Also, here it is something of a savoir vivre in a shared company car - the mask doesn't block only the particles you inhale, but also those you exhale - so it's cool to have mask on in a shared car to limit potential contamination of car interior.

    1. only if you are of the one percent, or however small the number is, that is carrying, and contagious, with the covid virus, so, 99% of people wearing a mask are simply not either, and just appear to be a stupid sheep following insane orders

  8. Why do you care? Move on.
