Thursday, May 14, 2020

you tube tour of the Antique Boat Museum in Clayton, NY


  1. I live about twenty of minutes from there and work on the St. Lawrence River a lot in that area. It's amazing and is quite the attraction during the summer.

    1. No kidding! That's cool! Well, maybe I think of it far different than your reality may be, day to day, but a decade in the Navy caused me to really like hanging out on the docks.
      I imagine the river must smell a hell of a lot better than the salt water ports with no water flow through them that I was always stuck in.

    2. It's beautiful but with a decade in the navy you must have seen a lot of the world and I envy that. On the St Lawrence River freighters from all over the world come to you. Actually it just opened back up for the season. And thanks for your service to our country!
