Thursday, July 25, 2019

well.. this too is new to me. Politics are getting so rabid, airline pilots are asking people to not talk about politics on the plane, to prevent fights

How'd I get to find this? A video about a fight where some bitch decides to lose her shit at 35k feet. and when looking for that (this isn't a good copy) I came across the above, which is far more interesting.

Life's getting pretty tense for a lot of people as the amount of disposable income is shrinking, and the amount of things that people WANT to buy grows, but jobs with better pay aren't around anymore.

If you disagree, tell me where I can get hired to do this blogging, or hold your disagreement to yourself, I ain't in the mood to quibble about bullshit from know it alls that are offended I'm using my blog to say my opinion.

Which nicely ties in with the above video... the pilot must have had some people arguing pretty bad, about political ideologies, and people running for POTUS, and no doubt Hillary, Bill, and Barack. So - he had to get on the public address system and tell them to knock it off on the way to the vacation destination Puerta Vallarta, in 2017.

What with the growing amount of anger between males and females, left wing democrats and ultra conservative republicans, snowflakes, antifa, liberals, gun rights, morons, me too movement pink hats, white washed Hollywood, blue line and police abuse - there are a whole lot of topics that are really getting people to lose the cool. And not enough vacation time, no remedy by enjoying the outdoors, and someone's music is always too loud, dogs are crapping in your yard, neighbors are smoking smelly stuff, and those darn kids. You know?

I got no solutions, and not much advice. There's things going on everywhere, people upset other people are trying to get rich, rich people doing shit that poor people are angry about, govt people certainly in it for greed and not public service, and people getting arrested for trying to stand up against the progress that may or may not make any sense. Hell, there's a telescope getting mounted on a Hawaiian mountain that is seriously causing a damn ruckus. Yeah, a zero pollution celestial observation optical tube, and the locals - well, you'd be safer trying to fly hang gliders off that location than install a telescope.

Know what's really weird? There are already 13 telescope observatories in Hawaii (cleaner air than the mainland) and when you hear that, it's obvious that no one needs another. Upgrade an old one. On the other hand, I think everyone is tired of hearing about a sacred mountain.

They're not having any of it. Seems they're still insisting that Americans ain't there on the island legally, oh, about what, 170 years later? So - racism and politics, sexism and religion, and not too many places on this old planet doing to well as far as taking care of the people paying taxes, and filling in the damn pot holes. 

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