Monday, January 14, 2019

A trucker dying from cancer was greeted by a surprise Christmas convoy

A veteran trucker who had to retire because of cancer received an amazing Christmas surprise from his son and his former trucking company.

My dad has been fighting cancer for 6 years and is very near to the end of his fight. He worked as a truck driver for Southwood Lumber for 13 years until he had to retire due to his sickness.

In a recent visit I heard him tell Ivan he would love to see the new fleet of trucks Southwood recently got. Dad is so weak he can only be out of bed a short time and has to get back and rest. Ivan asked his driver’s if they could help him make this happen for dad.

Saturday morning I got dad bundled up and took the wheelchair out on the porch. As 1 by 1 these new beautiful trucks came past the house. I was amazed at how much joy this brought my dad. Ivan and his family showed us how to Christmas. Sometimes it’s not about how much you spend.

I'm not crying, you're crying. And you know it, 'cause you can't read this. And that's ok... it's show's you're hydrated and not dead