Thursday, January 04, 2018

Since they aren't around, it's a good guess these twin tires were a waste of time with no benefit


  1. Im led to believe there were several benefits to this set up. Punctures are generally single point, and a higher pressure of about 4-6 psi on the inner tyre really improved handling. Kinda like why NASCAR run twin tubes in the same tyre with two different pressures.

    JJD gave all the state police forces wheel and tyre packages for trial just so they could say 'As used by the Queensland Police Force'. Expensive and heavy, they came and went very quickly.

    Check out JJ's car.
    Absolute ridiculousness....

    1. I didn't know Nascar did the two tubes in a tire! Huh! Well, back in the 1933 Indy 500 races, they put a smaller outer tire on, that didn't do much, unless and until the main tire failed, and then that smaller outer tire saved their ass. I believe they called it a parachute

  2. Man, I'm on a roll......
