Sunday, March 27, 2016

a drive thru burger joint in the 1950s


  1. Great video, the amount of details in every scene puts you there. Music makes everything come together.

  2. WHOA! Scary dude on top of the sign. But look how much fun it was. Musical score is perfect.

    1. yeah... creepy statue, who in the world gave that a green light?

  3. Thanks for posting this as it really takes me back. I was 10 years old back then.

    1. you're welcome! It's 20 years before I was born, but identical in every way to my childhood in the early 70s. Not a lot changed from 55 to 75 in America, but nothing stayed the same any 5 years since. Until the mid 70s, things were built to last, anything could be bought at Sears, nothing seemed to require batteries except the radio for camping, and the prices hadn't changed much since 1920. Things now cost 4 to 8 times as much for almost everything not made on a farm. Farmers got screwed royally.

    2. How keen your observation Jesse. Honest and sad at the same time. I concur. And yet the public remains the walking dead.
