Monday, February 02, 2015

If the funds in the schools budget went to important things, like bus inspections, instead of the lawsuits, and superintendents annual raises.... this could be avoided

Found on

Same thing happened to a fire engine recently:

I posted this a couple months ago


  1. Jesse if that's the case, which I have no reason to doubt, this incident is shameful. Question, do you think the bus driver may have heard the failing part and told the bus garage? Or was it something simply ignored?

  2. No idea... it's all guess work, although we can be sure, that axle tore itself out, it wasn't a road obstruction. My guess is seized bearings or gears in the axle

  3. It looks like the right outside tire came off the rim, too. Doesn't seem like that would affect the axle, but it's not good, either.
