Thursday, September 12, 2024

in New York Police Dept ignominy news

You're likely to remember the NYPD Courtesy Card... 

well, one good cop got fed up with most of the people he pulled over expecting to get away with the variety of traffic violations because they had one... 

Bianchi patrolled on Staten Island, where he estimated as many as half the drivers he pulled over had one of the cards, he told The Post. Officers can buy 30 of them a year for $1 each, he said. They’re given not only to friends and family, but also in exchange for perks like meal discounts, he said, adding that he believes that is violating the public’s trust that police treat everyone equally.

On Tuesday, Bianchi, 40, settled the 16-month-old lawsuit against the city and a police captain for $175,000. In a 41-page complaint filed in the U.S. District Court for Southern New York, Bianchi outlined an unofficial but strictly maintained system in which those who have courtesy cards “can break the law with impunity.” Bianchi said that, although he has settled what he described as a whistleblower’s lawsuit, the “courtesy card” system continues unabated, and he is worried it will keep going until a driver who has repeatedly escaped punishment kills someone.

New York Police Commissioner Edward Caban resigned Thursday amid a federal investigation Caban, the city’s first Latino police commissioner, took over the department in July 2023 after being tapped by Mayor Eric Adams, whose administration is the target of multiple federal investigations.

Caban's twin brother, James Caban, who owns a nightclub security business, also had his phone seized in the corruption investigation involving the NYPD.

Federal investigators want to know if James Caban profited from his ties to his powerful brother and the NYPD, according to multiple sources. Specifically, the investigation is looking into whether James Caban was paid by bars and clubs in Midtown Manhattan and Queens to act as a police liaison, and if those clubs were then afforded special treatment by local precincts, the sources said.

1 comment:

  1. I live within twenty miles of the border of The Bronx. I was born in Manhattan, raised in The Bronx and then we moved to Manhattan went I was fifteen. I have no desire to go to The City because of this corruption and resultant violence.
