Sunday, June 09, 2024

someone stole a guy's Make-A-Wish restored Galaxie that had been his dad's... but a good neighbor spotted it, and the cops got it back to him pronto!

“My dad bought this car in '91 we drove it as a family car for vacations and road trips," he said. "I couldn't wait till I was old enough. I'm like, 'Dad, I want the car,'" said Josh

Over the years, it's been featured in his wedding photos, the background of shots of his kids growing up and many, many memories.

. "I was, like, 15 years old."

Then around 15 years old Josh began struggling with cystic fibrosis. It's a life-threatening disease," he said. “Your parents both got to be carriers. Both my parents were, I think it's one in three chance kid gets it. My parents had three kids. I was the third and I got it.”

"Make-A-Wish approached me and restored the car. Made my dream come true," he said.

Hundreds of miles later he heard the tire pop, he swerved to the side of the highway, called a ride, and left to get tools to fix it.

And someone came along and stole it. 

It was an unbelievable moment for Josh, and even for the County Sheriff Scott Wriggelsworth, but just two weeks later! “One of our deputies received a tip to a specific address, o
ne county away, covered with a tarp, Josh’s car was in a driveway — one tire still flat" said Scott.

“A matter of two hours later, the car was back in my driveway," said Josh. "From a dream to a nightmare to a dream."

“Too often, we deal with tragedies in this profession, but it's these victories that keep us going day and night," said Scott. “I'm going to guess the owner's taking it for a cruise to celebrate its return.”

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