Sunday, June 09, 2024

hmmm... not a good idea, but, a variation on the Tesla truck

 Having a Cybertruck with a mirrored body may not be the safest idea, but it's not illegal

The polishing job was not only an aesthetic improvement but also a practical upgrade, the new look helped with the common issue of fingerprint stains on the vehicle's stainless steel exterior.

Could the truck be a road safety hazard if the truck's exterior reflected headlights back at drivers — and if the vehicle blends in with its environment on the road? Maybe


  1. A window tinting guy told me that mirror window tints are illegal.

    1. yes, that is specifically about windows, that's because cops want to see inside your car. No other reason. If a cop can't see inside your car, that makes them afraid. So, they made mirror and super dark window tints illegal. BUT, notice that vans with no windows on the back, that cargo area? Aren't illegal. You don't have to have windows, but if you do, they must be see through. You can have a mirror finish on your vehicle, or even coat your vehicle with mirrors. just not the windows
