Monday, June 10, 2024

a 1955 Kenworth needlenose found sitting in a field more than a quarter of a century ago, after it pulled a dump trailer with it for about 25 years, was bought for $1000, by the only guy who could restore it that nice

It "took a backhoe and a dozer to get it out" of the owner's field after Minteer's persuasion did its job, followed by "about a year and a half and a lot of love" to rebuild it. "The frame was flaking and breaking in half. The wheels were flaking. There was a tree growing up through it. The rodents had completely ate the inside. The engine was locked up.

Starting with the engine, Minteer pulled out the original 190-hp Cummins and a two-stick five and four transmission. He wanted to put a Cat motor in it, but it wouldn't fit in the original engine compartment, so he lengthened the hood by 10 inches to fit a 425-hp B-model motor and a 13-speed in it.

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