Thursday, February 29, 2024

Whoa... it's been a long time since I've seen a road train, and I never have read these stats and facts before

the cattle trains at Helen Springs Station Australia has 17 trucks with 3 trailers and 2 decks per trailer; that's 102 decks of cattle and there would be about 28 cattle per deck,  this totals 2,856 head of cattle The cattle are about 1100 lbs ea

They sell for about 75c/lb., so about $825 ea, that's about $2,356,200 

Each trailer has 24 tires plus a dolly with 8 tires. So total, there are 4,464 tires on the road

Thanks Rob! 


  1. I've read they use tractors with crazy power output. 1000 hp or so.

  2. Further to this,I now recall helping a truckie out of soft sand at the Cooper Creek crossing, Qld. near the famous Burke & Wills "dig tree" north of Innamincka. He got the tractor, as you guys know them(prime mover down here) bogged in soft sand on the exit of the creek. His front wheels were out of the water and the third trailers rears were still on dry land! He said that with the six decks of cattle he was all up about 160 tons! We dug and he unhooked the tractor,got it out and then connected the train with chains and dragged it out! I just stood,watching in awe!
