Saturday, October 21, 2023

Why isn't there a website, or facebook page, for the fun crazy cars that people make?



  2. It's unusual how big the back doors are on this car. It looks like all of the stretch was added to the doors, instead of adding a fixed section between the doors, or behind the back door.

    I found a page on the AACA forum where someone was looking for information about this car. They never say where they are located, but it looks like somewhere in Europe. The car was originally sold in the US, but they weren't able to find any history about when or where it was converted to a limo.

    It's being used for Banger racing in the UK. I think it is also interesting how the doors are bolted shut, with a large steel plate on the driver's door. On this Northern Bangers Facebook page, there are a lot of other unique cars - Rolls Royce hearse, Lincoln limo with about 8' of stretch, and other old hearses and limos. That must be fun to watch.
