Sunday, October 01, 2023

I didn't know Dan Ackroyd was a motorcycle enthusiast


  1. I'm going to agree with that. I recently bought a electric bike, and I just am really having a blast with riding again. I don't go anyplace, but around the block. It just feels good.

  2. Don't you remember that old, old, old SNL bit where Belushi was in old dude makeup walking through a graveyard talking about how Ackroyd was killed on his scooter a long time ago, in the bit?

    1. no, I never watched SNL. In the 80s, I was in grade school to high school, perfect time to watch and enjoy SNL humor right? But I had a cranky mom, who didn't want kids to watch tv after 9pm. Then I joined the Navy after high school, in 1989, and didn't have any time to watch tv, was at sea most of the early 90s, and the 90s SNL was a let down compared to the 70s and 80s, and when I got out of the Navy in 1999, there were too many other things going on to watch tv, and then the internet came along, and I've wasted my time with this blog since 2006

  3. Not a waste of time in my opinion Jesse. Just collecting information about different subjects and from where I sit looks like you are doing a very good job of it. I to am very guilty of the same thing but a much narrower interest range. Later I will tell you tell you about Ackroyd and one of his business partners in the House of Blues. Thanks for your hard work in gathering so many images and stories for old men such as me. I do enjoy and appreciate it Sir!

    1. thanks! it has been a lot.
      But it doesn't seem to be resulting in a job. That was not why I did it
      It has resulted in a lot of press passes and access to SEMA, and a couple other conventions that it's not easy to get into
      And I've made some friends and acquaintances
      I could have done things in the same 17 years that would have had other results, some might have made me able to afford rent on a one bedroom. Instead, I'm renting one of several bedrooms, sharing a bathroom, and looking to get a better paying job.
      It isn't one thing or the other, but after a little while, I did hope that the blog would get me a job doing this, that paid, so I could just walk away from work, and get paid to do so much more research, events, and entertaining. Finding stuff and sharing it is a hell of a lot of fun... I simply don't have the time anymore to dive in like I used to. Back in 2014-15 I had a lot more satisfying posts, and deeper dives into researching stuff.
