Sunday, August 13, 2023

truck driver reuinted with his grandpas '72 Peterbilt!


  1. Apart from this rig being his granddaddy's, the other thing that makes it special is that it’s a "venerable"---as one online source put it---model 359 Pete (1969/1987).

    I’ve a good friend in central Illinois who owns one with in excess of a million miles on it. Jim is an “old school” trucker that started his career at 15 years of age, driving his dad’s truck to the Union Stock Yards in Chicago. His double stick 359 is hardly a showpiece, but it’s in very nice condition. Although the truck is no longer used in freight service, Jim keeps it maintained and is constantly declining offers to buy it.

  2. Ship us a picture please rlk !

    1. Well Chuck I’d be happy to oblige you if a had a picture of Jim’s 359...assuming that’s what you asked for. Unfortunately I don’t have one. As of August last year I moved back to my roots in Milwaukee from Indiana where I finished up my time with the old Milwaukee Road railroad, so I don’t see any of those friends any longer. While living in Indiana I discovered an old coffee shop (Crossroads) at the intersection of Illinois 1 and Interstate 70 and soon became a regular. Jim was a fixture there and I spent many many hours with him at the counter listening to his trucking tales. The guy was very proud of his old Pete and every now and again would show up with it. I made the mistake one time of asking what he thought about the trend to automatic transmissions. He didn’t say a word verbally, but dropped his head a bit and stared at me in cold silence over the top of his glasses. All I could say was, “sorry Jim.”
