Sunday, March 22, 2020

Here's a thought...hundreds of thousands per state, me included, are unemployed, how about the boneheads in charge of the unemployment department and the people running the Department of Transportation put us to work repaving the fucked up roads everywhere?!!!

it is a great time to benefit from a bunch of people on unemployment, and drastically reduced traffic on roads of all sizes, to get the roads fixed, potholes filled in, and many stretches of shitty roads - repaved, finally.

Unless of course, the DOT is union and milking the hell out of every square inch of road, and every second on the clock


  1. I'm sharing this

  2. YES! Especially in NEW YORK!

  3. That's what FDR did in the thirties, no? Highway 1, The Merritt Parkway, etc.
