Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Lowrider magazine died in 2019. But now, Dr. Denise Sandoval, a university professor of Chicana/o studies, has partnered with MotorTrend magazines to make an online digital issue of Lowrider magazine by women, for women, for the obvious publicity, and to champion a cause.

Dr. Sandoval shared how it was a true passion project working on this all-women issue of Lowrider magazine. 

With lowriding popularity at an all-time high, combined with the rise of car clubs exclusively for women members and car clubs led by women, 2024 felt like the perfect moment to spotlight the women who haven’t always received recognition but who have impacted lowrider culture.

This limited-edition revival highlights the women behind the wheel who have fought for their place as drivers, builders, mechanics, painters and welders in a car community few women ever are interested in.

the most obvious thing they forgot, was to remove the mustache from the Lowrider Magazine logo, 


  1. Im not a fan of the lowrider car style, but the fantastic skill and craftsmanship that goes into making them, has my full admiration. the paint and the etchings and carvings are very high quality art.
