Sunday, March 10, 2024

How to effectively, courteously, and peacefully disperse the police from their roadblock so your protest can move on through. I love it.


  1. I think that's a liquid manure spreader. Effective, but I wouldn't call it courteous.

    1. lots of warning, not aimed, not aggressive, not made of bullets, no impact, easy to wash off, only streams in one direction, and moves at the slow speed of a tractor. Doesn't sneak up and surprise you... meets all the requirements of the definition of courteous that I can think of. Quite polite in it's "Here it comes, get out of the way, at a slow pace, this won't hurt, won't even sting, and farmers can work with it daily, so, police can put up with it, or get out of the way. Their choice!"

    2. and when you blog about such things, I'll enjoy seeing what you say about the news. Lol... until then, you're stuck with my narrative. I have offered to turn this blog over.... no one took me up on that. Will you?

  2. Great way to fertilize asphalt, too!
