Wednesday, November 22, 2023

notification to commenter Honey Monkey Wilder, and anyone else that chooses to say things in the comment section that simply isn't civil. Don't. Not on my blog.

 HMW said this in the comments on

"We lost a good one when ol' George Floyd was taken from us. The world would be a better place if he was still here, doing his magic. At least the modified state of Minnesota would be. Like and follow me on facebook if you agree."

My reply. This goes for HMW, and anyone else, and everyone else. 

ouch. Well, though he wasn't a good example of the best of us, there IS my opinion that the cop that murdered him - and was shielded from the public, and was not instantly arrested by his fellow officers, who also felt he was doing his job, and honoring his sworn oath of office - is a bigger problem to the community they were both in, than George, and my pledge/honor/priveldge of saving the lives of the citizens of my country informs me that a murderer in uniform is, to paraphrase your derogatory view of George Floyd, not "a good one" but instead, after the courts were done with the case, a convicted murderer who felt he was acting as his JOB as a cop trained him. 

Sarcasm aside about his magic, and how much better the world would be with him, better that a fellow American is alive, than murdered, in my opinion as a guy that is not in favor of racism among the guys who hang, whip, beat, drag, kill, shoot, poison, and bully the black Americans. 

Americans. Those are MY people. Even the ones who ain't right in the head, ain't doing a bit of good. I'm of the opinion that if you have a problem with anyone else, you handle it like an intelligent man. Do the RIGHT thing, that you can be proud of doing, and choosing, and telling anyone about after the fact. Even if that is breaking the arm of the guy that stole your horse. Even if it's killing the dog that bit your dog. Stand for what is right, do the right thing, but chose what is respectable among everyone you'll ever meet or be judged by for it, and you're ok in my book. 

If you can tell someone's family how you handled their problem child, and they agree with you, and thank you for taking the time to set that person (child or adult) right, even if it's a slap upside the head, or a distraction with a balloon so their moron doesn't pull a cat's tail. Do the right thing. 

George needed help. He did not need your way of thinking enabling the police to murder him, for 8 minutes and 43 seconds, without a trial in court, and a jury, judging the worth of his life. 

Shame on you. 

Don't come back here and comment unless you can be polite, or reserved in your statements in a way that doesn't offend good people. 

And now, getting back to sharing what I want to on my blog. 


  1. As they use to tell me, Their house their rules. Like wise, my house my rules! Carry on Jesse!

  2. como é possivel alguem pensar que um assassinato é bom e defensável? "How is it possible for someone to think that murder is good and defensible?" (google translate)

  3. Spot on, Jesse.
