Sunday, May 26, 2024

a group of residents in Tijuana held a blockkade around the PEMEX fuel supply plant in Rosarito, to protest land ownership... and affected 235 gas stations in the Tijauna, Rosarito, and Tecate area, a week before presidetnial elections.

About 150 stations closed temporarily, the rest simply ran out due to the demand increase coming their way, and it's all over getting their government to responsibly address property titles in the Maclovio Rojas neighborhood of Tijuana. 

The stations that had any supply in the tanks were limiting sales to 30 dollars per vehicle, so everyone would have enough for a day or two, but no one would be filling up - going home - draining and selling at a profit markup due to the emergency. Smart. 

What is the protest all about? A demand that the government issue them title and full ownership to lands where they have built their homes. 

But of course, the govt had no interest in "representing" it's constituents, and handling the problem professionally, instead, the govt stated it refused to give into demands being made by those taking part in the blockade.

That didn't last long. 

Well, that's some damn effective planned out method for getting your govt off it's ass and into the meeting room! 

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