Tuesday, September 12, 2023

(Commentor "Curious" replied:) wow...all that, and you still don't answer the very simple question: Can you explain how the UAW demand is econimically feasible?

 your reading comprehension isn't evolved enough to realize your question WAS answered by myself and others. 

I can repeat it, and you can try and read it slower, how about that?

my answer:

Let me dust off my masters in economics and show the charts and graphs where the union demand makes sense. 

OR, you can grow the hell up, and take a breath, and get some big picture context of a contract negotiation, plus a broad view of macro economics, AND some insight on 7 figure salary upper management of the corporations involved. 

OR, you can look at the average union worker's income, vs inflation, and how if they don't make something around 10% raise per year, effectively they make less each year as the cost of living, commuting to work, etc goes more expensive where they have stagnant wages. 

But it's not my job to answer your demand. I'm Just A Car Guy. Not an economics professor, so head over to the university, ask the prof. 

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes it's best to just tell folks to reach down and pull their head out of their ass.
