Saturday, May 18, 2024

Stephan Marjoram went to Montlhery and photographed how many approaches have been tried in building a motor vehicle

Video of the above in action, rolling and retracting outriggers


  1. I really like these bare bones just the necessities to run cars. Would be a great fun car to build and drive on a regular basis. Might have to see about doing just that if I get some things in order first. Little Boys can dream!

    1. darn right, it would be fun to build these or any other 4 wheeled thing, just small stuff for fun

    2. think about how much I've been looking at every aspect of fun small stuff to build in my retirement if I can, for about 20 years, and putting it all here so I can look through it years from now, and find all the fun stuff once again, and then try and make stuff to play with.
      I'd love to make a little go cart and mini golf place. That's about all the fun you can have on a couple acres without running into serious permit issues, I think. Maybe an archery range too.
