Saturday, August 08, 2020

20 minutes away from the drop-off destination in Georgia, the transporter with the '71 Mach 1 was involved in a highway accident, after about 860 incident free miles from New York


  1. That's an effing heart breaker!


  3. ouch, that hurts.
    the story is slightly wrong, though. it appears to say "college park police" on the cop car and college park is a urban ghetto suburb of atlanta,south of atlanta. no where near Dawsonville,
    and its clearly not on an interstate, thats a two lane backroad, of which I didnt know existed in college park,

    when you load the cars on the very front , high up on the trailer, its to heavy and easy to flop over.

  4. Seems to me like there's a lot more incidents and accidents with these 5th wheel transporters lately. Not uncommon to see one upside down in the I-26 median. One fellow ran into a wrecker and a police car on the Ravenel bridge and knocked the wrecker driver off 200' to his death. Makes me wonder if there's some instability/braking handling issue that needs to be corrected.

  5. I dont know why so many people use the 6 wheel pickup trucks to haul cargo, the same rules apply to them as to regular 18 wheelers, and a good used 18 wheeler is about the same price as a similar condition 6 wheel pickup, gets about the same MPG and is many times safer since they are designed to tow and haul heavy loads.
    if you see the 6 wheeler pickups with a trailer, be extra cautions around them, alot of them are newbie drivers that cant get a job driving a real 18 wheeler . and alot of them cant read or speak english either.

  6. Just looks like an accident waiting to happen.
