Monday, January 13, 2020

Go baby go baby go baby go!

remember, you're either going to need to help, or get helped.

So figure out what you will do to be helpful, by clamping, strapping, or bolting on some traction adder,

or devising a smart way to avoid NOT smashing into the truck pulling you out

or something... be smart, plan it out. Have a backup

remember, you can lower the pressure in your tires to help get some traction,

or you can buckle on some straps with grippers...

or you can use a pair of ropes that only connect to each other with an old spare tire to give a shock absorber effect

etc etc.

Shit happens, so plan ahead.

Everyone loves a spare $20 for helping them out! Or a gift card for pizza, restaurant, beer, etc


  1. ...and if you're being towed, don't try to turn right before the tow vehicle does.

  2. The Toyota looks almost as black as the Ford by the time it gets up to the road.
