Monday, October 13, 2014

Rare 1983 280Z, 40,000 miles and exceptionally clean. Not the most exciting car, but we aren't likely to ever see another in this condition outside a museum


  1. Although I like the color red, that interior seems like overkill to me at least.

    1. they were out to get sales... and that's what they came up with I suppose. The imprinted name in the suede is a nice subtle touch... but I agree with you... too damn much red for my taste. A black dash and rug would have been better

  2. That's a classic '80's OE car stereo. I don't think I've ever seen a car tape deck with a counter on it.

    1. that's the highest dollar engineered car tape deck I can recall ever seeing... dolby, and Metal on/off, and the counter... crazy ! Just one of the things I like to look for in cars is the radio, and see if it's new to me, unusual, or far out awesome in some mid 60s-80's way, especially if it's aftermarket
