Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Whoa! I don't think I've ever seen a Jensen built up for Bonneville land speed racing from an autocross car... but then, I've never heard of one autocrossing either!

I haven't looked at Hagerty's website for a long while... and this popped up on my facebook feed... 

What began as a fun project car for the street soon turned into an autocross and time attack machine.

The car is one of only 500 made

To reduce drag going over the car, the grille was sealed up. Without any air flowing through the radiator, the car now relies on a 45-gallon water tank to keep it cool during its five-mile runs at wide-open throttle. 

Thanks to its big turbo and adjustable wastegate, power can be dialed in from 800 to about 1200 horsepower.

The goal is 200 mph, but electrical and mechanical gremlins have kept the car from getting faster than 184


  1. G'day Jesse,don't know if you're up with the dry lake racers here in Sth.Aus. but believe they had a really good year...No rain! On the news was an old bloke that wanted to do One MPH for every year of his life;on a Velocette from '49-50ish I think.He clocked 97 something ;and wait for it..he is Ninety bloody six years old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! words fail me.

  2. Hey Volksrob! Something strange going on with the comment section, I can't directly reply... but I can leave a comment. I don't keep up with dry lakes racing, land speed, or beach racing, but I have posted about the most interesting Lake Gairdner vehicles!
    a 96 year old guy, pushing his Velocette to 97 mph? With what? Rockets? Nitro? WOW! Thanks!

    1. Jesse,I am not quite sure what the old bloke is drinking!!!
