Thursday, September 19, 2024

This is kinda new, not the part about cops being morons... the part where they arrest and charge a guy for stopping a drunk driver on the highway. It's so hard to imagine such a situation, I can't even make this shit up

So, he took them to court, at won. Maybe they should have been paying attention in the class on lawful arrests. 

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit ruled two Houston police officers can be sued for  violating the Fourth and 14th Amendment rights to be free from unlawful arrest and malicious prosecution.

If you were under the impression that cops are carefully educated and experts on laws, civil rights, etc... you haven't been paying attention ( George Floyd was murdered in public for 8 minutes by 4 cops). Cops just get away with so damn much, and are rarely punished for fucking up. 

It's hard to believe that cops are still known as law enforcement, when they know so little about laws. Face it, they don't often get public interaction legally correct, as an incredible number of videos will show anyone that cares to look at You Tube. Cops play music in hopes that You Tube won't allow the videos to get posted. I shit you not. 


  1. The way you constantly seek out bad cops and whine constantly about the police makes me wonder about your driving record , most complainers are offenders .

    1. When you don't know what the fuck you are talking about, do you realize it? Or, it is just as pleasant to be ignorant of your situational awareness?
      Since, you didn't ask me, and haven't been reading this blog long enough to know better, I'll recap.
      I was a cop. Federal law enforcement. Badge, Baretta 9mm, 12 ga Mossberg, expandable baton, Monadnock PR24, Ford Explorer cruiser, and partner. With a dispatch, field supervisor, and watch commander. The whole kit, and kaboodle.
      3 years.
      So, with that life experience, I am utterly outraged by fucking corrupt and abusive cops. No damn professionalism in 98 percent of them.
      So, that's my background.
      I'm guessing idiot shit talker is yours. I've met plenty, I recognize the signs.
      Onto your complaints/whining about me.
      See, of the two of us, you are whining about shit you don't know a thing about. I, on the other hand, am neither seeking out bad cops constantly, there are SO MANY there is NO seeking out needed. They are just in the news CONSTANTLY.
      I'm not whining, I'm alerting my readers of, the news, the problem they should be aware of, and sometimes - as often as I can, the cool cops doing an awesome job. We both know there are very very few cool cops, and even more rare, awesome ones.
      But, over the past 18 years I've been adding to this blog, I've posted every one I found.
      My driving record is that I've been licensed since about 1988, and insured since 1989, and have driven hundreds of thousands of miles in about 35 states, driven cross country 9 times from coast to coast and Canadian border (Southern shore of Lake Superior) to the Southernest part of California (San Diego) and mid Florida (Orlando). Problem free. I've also driven in Hawaii for about 4 years. So, Other than Alaska, I've covered nearly all of it, interstates, highways, cities, streets, dirt roads, alleyways, and trails. Major cities, Chicago, New York, Boston, LA, San Diego, Phoenix, and Orlando come to mind, and plenty of small ones, and a few boom town ghost towns. Swamps, forests, everglades, prairies, mountains, deserts, salt flats, El Mirage, Bonneville, drag strips, I think that covers my driving record. Oh, and 3 driving classes for professionals and insurance companies.
      So, with 29 years of San Diego/Los Angeles/Las Vegas driving, and 6 years of everywhere and all other driving. now you know my driving record.
      Oh, as for offenders, I speed all the time, drive like you'd rather be able to, and never get ticketed or in crashes/collisions. Neither am I wanted by police for any god damn thing.
      So, summed up, I'm an ex cop, furious about pieces of shit being the majority of every police force, with a perfect driving record, 35 years and hundreds of thousands of miles experience, plus I've been driving professionally for at least 3 years as a cop, and about 10 years for a variety of companies, and I'm not wanted by police. At least not for anything but pointing out what bags of shit most of them are, from the police chiefs, to the patrol.
      So, now, you know the rest of the story, as Paul Harvey used to say. Go fuck yourself.
