Thursday, August 08, 2024

Just look at this asshole. You know from the way he looks, he did awful things, and enjoyed it.

Maybe it's the Hitler mustache. 

Maybe it's because this asshole invented the speedbump. 

Yeah, this guy was a university chancellor (like that has ever been a role filled by anyone kind and generous? Hell no. There's never been a Jane Goodall, or Mr Rogers, Jim Henson, Mother Theresa, or Ghandi who were university chancellors) 

This smirking shithead was a physicist, named Arthur Compton, and he invented the speed bump in 1953.  He noticed how fast drivers sped by Washington university, and like most Karens, had to do something about it to wreck the fun for everyone, because he'd already yelled at all the students to get off the lawn, then needed to Grinch on something else... that's what university chancellors do when not cutting the budget, or playing golf

Print this picture, glue it to the dartboard, or use it for target practice. This sadistic bastard caused more front ends to get misaligned, more shock mounts to snap, more headers to get smashed... and more brakes to get stomped than anyone else in history. I hope he died of brain cancer after seeing his puppy get burnt alive. I hope he drank drano by accident, and got paper cuts on the corner of his mouth from licking the envelope too fast. Then drank pure lemon juice. 

I hope he believed he was going to heaven, ended up in hell, and he gets to be in the barrel more than anyone else, and that some demon takes a lot of pleasure in putting bamboo shoots under his finger nails, then smashes his toes with a hammer (Payback, Mel Gibson movie). I hope Joe Pesci gets gangster all over him... hammers, bench vices, everything!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the info.
    Other bastards have imported these speed bumps into Europe. They are everywhere now.
    And I also hope all these assholes are dying in hell with their buddy in the photo.
