Wednesday, July 31, 2024

the New York City mayor ordered law enforcement to target vehicles with covered plates, but it turned out, the Secret Service vehicles had license plate covers, which are illegal in New York state...

Who got arrested? Some protester. 

Yup, VP Harris's secret service team for her step daughter, had illegal license plate covers on their cars assigned to the detail protecting Harris’ stepdaughter... and the only person arrested was a guy fed up with bully badges evading tolls, hit and runs, and ignoring tickets.


  1. Does this mark the start of JACG's anti-Harris campaign?

    1. is that anywhere in this post? OR are you making up political animosity where you can, which is unfriendly and unappreciated? I'll quote some of the few relevant points again " the Secret Service vehicles had license plate covers, which are illegal in New York state" and "secret service team ..... had illegal license plate covers on their cars " and the point of it all is my long standing effort to illustrate the government and police abuse of authority "and the only person arrested was a guy fed up with bully badges evading tolls, hit and runs, and ignoring tickets."
      Instead, you hit back with political nonsense based in what I assume is your preferred political party.
      How about you don't?
      I think instead you and I ought to see what we agree on. I think you'll agree my blog and I rarely if ever, in 58,000 posts available here for you to check my facts on, go on politics.
      I think you'll agree I have often posted about police and bully badges being a topic I publicly shame law enforcement about. 293 times by my count:
      I think you'll agree I am right and fair on posting about police, and the way I have done so.
      I think you'll agree your comment was in jest, and found offensive. I could post a lot of facts about Harris, and never an opinion, and yet never change anyone's reverence for Harris because people have no choice in who they get as a leader in politics, we are stuck with the most vile people who got to the top of the pile of useless scum based on being able to outmaneuver their competition in whatever way it takes. Harris, a notably accomplished individual in that arena.
      So, about you not talk politics? I think you'll agree we get along fantastic, and I never have bothered you about politics, and you could respect that.
      What I put on my blog isn't directed at you, but what you say in the comments is directed at me.
      Fair enough?

  2. You managed to mention Harris' name twice in a post about what the Secret Service indeed did wrong. It's called guilt by association. Until now JACG has been pleasantly free of it, and of politics in general, so may it continue that way.

    You are doing admirable service by pointing out when authorities misuse the trust placed in them, while also pointing out when they do their job better than expected. I trust that will continue too.

    1. When, in the course of delivering news, it's typical to put the relevant facts in the story.
      So, you still seem to be antagonistic for a reason I do not know, about how I do my story, on my blog, which has something about Harris, that seems to REALLY irritate you, that I even use the name, which is very relevant to why the secret service are making this news story, in New York, key to why the Mayor of New York has an issue, and relevant to why the secret service is not in Washington DC, but instead in a strange location for them...
      So, when I do the news, as this is the news about a guy getting arrested for protesting what you agree is "admirable service" about authorities misusing the trust placed in them / what I call abuse of power - and I feel it's very necessary to include the facts on who, why, what, where, and when (very old journalist/reporter theme of getting the facts into the story for a full picture conveyed by descriptive words)
      Now, you're being annoying, in the phrasing "you managed to mention Harris" and "may it continue that way"
      Now, that's something I find quite unpleasant when I did try to be very nice and agreeable in my reply to your first comment... but you're pushing and poking, and not being nice.
      How about you stop that.
      I will continue to do my blog in whatever way I find at any moment the whim strikes me, to be a source of car related news, police abuse included as I find that VERY important to get to my readers that the police are corrupt, and untrustworthy, and entertainment.
      I do not like you implying that your politics is something I should be aware of.
      Or, that your view of what my political posts are, should get me irritated at pushback I do not want to read, or be aware of.
      If what I do annoys you, move on.
      If what you do annoys me, that's going to be upsetting, as I do enjoy your many fascinating creative outputs, the travel blogs, and the Nimbus Tidende magazine.
      SO, how about, you don't give me shit about politics.
      Especially any more, since I don't think I gave you any reason to with this story, and you seem to have not picked up on what I thought we could agree on. I get very angry when people tell me what I should and shouldn't say on my blog.
      It's a blog.
      You might want to ask around, and see what people think blogs are.
      They are NOT a news organization, they are an opinion based diary type thing of what a person wants to share with their readers.
      That's what I have been doing for 18 years right here.
      if you're upset that I mentioned Harris, then you MISSED that HER secret service is ILLEGALLY doing things, while in her employ, now, I FEEL you should be upset about THAT, not about ME putting the news on my blog.
      What part of ILLLEGAL license plate actions, did you miss? Or, do you ignore the illegal things that are done if your chosen political party, in THIS country, (I don't even know if there are political parties in Denmark, I hope not, politics is very unpleasant, like, what you did in response to my news post) where instead, you are giving ME SHIT about pointing the spot light on illegal actions done by a politicians security detail for her daughter.
      FRankly, I hope you ask a couple trusted friends to read everything here, the post, your reply, my reply, your next replay, and this response, and check if they think you acted badly, and ought to apologize.
      I think I did nothing to deserve your animosity. I think your preferred politician did something, newsworthy, and you ignored it, and instead, found that you should blast off on me, for putting the news on that a protester get arrested instead of the secret service.
      Think on it.
