all blower and no brakes resulted in a panic decision it to stop it with a last ditch effort, ironic pun intended (see! I can be a writer!)

you probably aren't familiar with the old jargon phrase "last ditch effort" from the 1800s if you are using google translate, or know English as a 2nd language.

 Last-ditch effort -
last-ditch effort. A desperate final attempt, as in We're making a last-ditch effort to finish on time. This expression alludes to the military sense of last ditch, “the last line of defense.” Its figurative use dates from the early 1800s.

Well, I tell ya folks, trying to be funny when you aren't funny gets strange results.

parking to close is playing "fuck around and find out" with the trucks trailer hitch

Hitch, strange name for a towing attachment.    Noun   "A knot that attaches to an object."
"to fasten something to another thing by tying it with a rope or using a metal hook"

Transitive "to fasten something such as a trailer to the back of a car"

Verb  " move (something) into a different position with a jerk. "

interesting border fence documentary, it seems a side effect of building the new fence is the new improved road along it, and levees to deal with flooding in places (turn down your speakers)

if this upsets you because of immigration across open borders, or political rhetoric, or all the other baggage associated with Mexicans and detention of crossing over into the USA with out a passport, take all that unpleasantness to someone else, like, a border patrol office, or a poltician.

This post is for the road that runs nearly the length of the border between two countries, which may be unique, I simply have never heard about other countries having the illegal immigration problem that Mexico does.

I suppose that exodus from the middle east into Europe in 2018-19 certainly qualifies, except Mexico has a steady half million a year or so, for decades, crossing into the USA illegally.

I doubt any two countries sharing a border elsewhere in the world have a similar difference of culture and economies as the USA Mexico situation has for the past 100 years

By the way, immigrants are terrific, the presidents wife is one, by the way. 3 of my 4 aunts are all from other countries. Italy, Canada, and Thailand. So, don't try to pick a fight about immigrants, I'm all for moving from country to country, I've been to 9 myself. The thing I have in common with most people is the problem with Mexicans and Central Americans not getting the immigration done legally. All the paperwork, all the documents, licenses, certificates, the same ones I and you have to have, present, and drag along every time we apply for a job, a loan, etc etc. It wold be nice if they could speak English too, but hey, that's a difficult thing to learn. Again, 3 aunts, all learned English.

If there's a country that does not require the people to pay taxes, have a birth certificate, drivers license, etc, I've never learned of it. Most countries are far more tyrannical about it... think about North Korea, China, Australia, England, etc. 

This clown has no clue how to drive. How they are smart enough to earn enough to buy this car, and afford insurance, but not smart enough to stay in the damn lane to trigger the stop light? Morons everywhere

It's common knowledge that there are sensors for the stop lights right where a car would stop for the stop light, right? You CAN SEE the circular sensor right there: