Monday, March 23, 2020

a rich banker sold the family bank, made 3/4s of a billion, headed to upstate New York, bought 275 acres of farm, and paved himself a race track with a 20 degree banked corner, all for under 10 million. What to do with the rest of the fortune, am I right?

One man was so passionate about racing, and so fed up with the trailer times and track restrictions, that he decided to do something about it.

Alan Wilzig brought together just about everything that a motorsport enthusiast could dream of needing. From his collection of track ready vehicles and carts to his race shop ready to perform any track-related service

He put in a 1.1 mile, 9-turn, perfectly paved circuit. It’s a highly technical track featuring 80 feet of elevation change, a 20 degree banked turn, and a heart-stopping hairpin with a blind entry and very deep apex.

And it was designed to be bi-directional, “so you can change it all up after lunch…” adding a completely new dimension to the track.  (Can't you do that with any track that isn't a drag strip?)

The only problem were the other mega millionaire activists in the area, they all ganged up to shut it down and stop it's build. All the regular people in the area were supporting it. Go figure. 4 years of bullshit before getting started

of course, his wife divorced him after he inherited, and she had a couple kids, but she was replaced with a 23 year old girlfriend.


  1. That's awesome. I'm bored, I wonder what I'll do today......TRACK TIME!

  2. Huw would you feel if you had a nice, quiet, relatively remote country estate and some rich a-hole comes up and builds a $14,000,000 racetrack next door? In fact, how would you feel if you had an ordinary suburban house and the guy next door begins rebuilding multiple Corvettes in his driveway?

    1. you must have intended this question for someone who doesn't think that it would be the coolest thing ever for a neighbor to build a race track.
      Ummm, do you even read the name of this blog?
      I'd volunteer a kidney just to sit on the fence and watch it get built!
      I'd build a tower so I could get a birds eye view of the racing!
      I'd ask to join in the fun if he ever has racing cart wednesdays!
      As for a neighbor building multiple Corvettes? I'd introduce myself and say, hello, I used to help restore 1969 Corvettes, can I help?
      Like I said, you must have intended this question for some uptight, Prius loving, race gas hating, bird watcher.
      You, wait... are you pulling my leg?

    2. I'd feel jealous, and do everything I could to get to know the guy.

  3. This is what you show people when they say you can't buy happiness. The guy gets up, watches Formula 1 in his home theater, then goes out for some of laps on his private track, followed by sex with his smoking hot girlfriend and the soaking in the hot tub with his kids.
