Thursday, May 23, 2019

I just love they have enormous photos, with terrific focus and detail, and when they show a photo of a dealership parts dept... you get to check out so MUCH! Semmes Motor Co.: 1925

notice above and below the shelves are number in some cases. 

so amny cool things on the shelves... batteries, flashlight bulbs, Whiz something, and Top Dressing to make tires black I suppose, or maybe to clean fan belts... and Ditzler brand paint... Tire patch kids from Michelin?

notice the cash register is rung up to "Ford PT" I wonder why... and what are the bottles on the shelf behind it?

from flower vases to jacks... and a lot of spools of ignition wire?  And and Harve Stabilizers? Are those shock absorbers?

Above, the Weed brand tire chains, I believe I posted those before, and the Gabriel Snubbers... which I think are the friction shocks

Above is an advertisement for Watson stabilizers... What shock absorbers were called in the friction shock days I think


  1. Yup.
    You and Shorpy are the first sites I click on in the morning. Only then do I start the coffee...

    1. wow! That's high praise, and I thank you! Do you remember one thing I've done that stands out as probably your favorite?

    2. You know, I've been reading your blog since 2010 so I would have to say specifics are a bit difficult. I always enjoy your banners and offbeat industrial machines, for sure.
      Just keep doin what you're doin...

    3. Wow! You've been reading a really long time! Damn, thanks for hanging around!

  2. Did you notice the glass shifter balls in the case in front of the man with striped pants?

    1. I did, and forgot to mention it! Thanks! I even had the mistaken idea that they were spinner knobs - for fast steering. That doesn't make any sense for this time era... I don't think any one made those until the late 40s or 50s
