Saturday, October 27, 2018

With his Art Out Of Ashes project, photographer Scott Maddern set out to capture the automotive remains left after the wildfires ravaged Sonoma County in 2017 and use these images to raise money for victims of the fires.

The proceeds will go to benefit the victims of the fires through our partnership with the Sonoma County Resilience Fund to address the mid to long-term needs of those impacted by these devastating fires. When a disaster strikes, on average 73% goes to immediate relief and only 4.8% goes to recovery and rebuilding, a process that can take up to 10 years, long after the media attention has shifted away. To date the Sonoma County Resilience Fund has raised over $14M and we want to help add to that with our efforts here.

Hunter Thompson on outlaws as told to Studs Terkel

Quoted Studios – a nonprofit, 501 (c)(3) content studio based in Brooklyn, is dedicated to using animated journalism to preserve and re-imagine the American interview.

In the Antarctic in 1961, a 3 day blizzard stuck, winds over 100 mph, and one plane disappeared... well, not exactly, it was blown 15 miles along the ice with the brakes on and found days later and miles away

that is it on the top of the photo... the tires and rims were worn away to the skis.

This blizzard continued unabated for two days, and on the third day was still gusting at over 100 knots. The Dakota was at the airfield at Rumdoodle when the blizzard struck.

When the blizzard subsided sufficiently to venture outdoors, the Dakota had broken its tie-downs and had disappeared. A few days later, when the weather had cleared, Graham Currie, riding a Velocette on the sea ice west of Mawson, noticed something red, high up on the glacier top. Closer inspection confirmed that it was the dayglow red tail of the Dakota.

The plane had been blown by the blizzard about 15 miles down slope at sufficient speed, with brakes engaged, to wear the tires and wheel rims flush with the skis. It came to rest after the undercarriage dropped into a crevasse on the cliff top about 400′ above the sea ice.

Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Harvey Firestone, and John Burroughs, embarked on a series of camping trips, they called themselves the Vagabonds and in 1923, the group visited Northern Michigan lumber camps at Sidnaw and Iron Mountain.

The above photo is taken near L'Anse at the Keating Spur, probably 1923 or 1926

Here they are talking with Kingsford, of the charcoal briquets fame, who started the process with scraps of wood left over and thrown away from the wood and lumber used in making Ford cars. It was a free supply, and resulted in a substitute for coal, and burned cleaner.

The above photo is taken near L'Anse, at the Keating Spur, probably 1923 or 1926

a demolition and excavation service building, ironically, were hit by a bus.

While running the morning route, a car suddenly pulled out, the bus driver swerved to avoid it and hit this building instead.

Bus driver and 2 kids were unharmed.

Car operator ticketed

Friday, October 26, 2018

Kansas, 1946, a thief stole this transporter and had gotten away until he crossed a dirt road and got high centered. Now, we know who founded the Swift trucking company! (thanks Shas!)

That thief grabbed this rig at the factory... and would have gotten away with the whole enchilada... but he just did not take into account the peak of the dirt road they went over, and the low clearance of the trailer

Seems he didn't have enough time to get those new cars off the trailer, or just decided to run for it so he wouldn't get caught

The stupid thief got nothing but embarrassed, and a story for life to tell other car thieves about how little clearance a trailer has when loaded with 4 cars

I bet you've never seen or heard of this before,... and I bet truquetructruk.tumblr will repost this and not give a source credit, again. Hey TTT? Fuck you, give, Dennylupino, or deathspraycustom another source credit, fuck you, you no talent hack

1973 Ferrari 365 Daytona tool set and kit bag for $695,000 and the car is tossed in for free. I'm joking of course.

that's a nice set of tools!

and a sweet car too... but the interesting thing is how cars get flipped...

This Ferrari left the factory in a group sale of 5 365 GTS and GTBs.
The 5 were bought by Chinetti and this one cost $14,706.
Then it was bought by Bobcar the next day for $20k
Then it was sold the next day for $26,279 to Robert P. Minnick, Jr. President of Trancendental Audio Ltd of New York, who later founded Car Guy Nation

I find the profiteering interesting. Ferrari sold it, flip flip and then it's 11,500 dollars more, before getting to a driver/owner. It's nearly doubled in price, and hasn't even left a showroom, or been in the country a week

3 years and 10k miles it was sold for 36k
16 years and 27,600 miles later, it was sold and then went through flippers who only put 559 miles on it over, and profitted 340,000.
29 years and 6,396 miles later, asking price 695,000.

Is it fair for transwomen (XY chromosome) athletes to compete in women’s (XX chromosome) categories?

simply not even a challenge to spot the on guy this podium who took gold away from women in a woman's race.

I say man, as McKinnon seems to have not undergone surgery. As long as you've got testosterone producing glands, and refuse to be tested for amounts of testosterone, arguing that "testing is against human rights because there is no way to measure if testosterone provides an advantage," you're just bullying the race officials to allow you to compete in a race you're sure to win, by cheating.

As of 2015, IOC guidelines require biologically born men who identify as transgender to block certain amounts of natural testosterone, but no longer require gender reassignment surgery.

Since they are morons, why didn't some woman just put a sign up at the start line of the race, and have it state "must have ovaries to proceed past this point" or "chromosomes checked at the starting line, must be XX to race"

What's next for McKinnon, competing in the paralympic races?