Saturday, July 26, 2014

Pizza Hut's Pizza Thrower at Comic Con, for the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle exhibit

A few stats about the Pizza Hut & TMNT experience.

Here it is by the numbers:
 5,500: Number of attendees that fired pizzas from the life-size, functional Pizza Hut Pizza Thrower
 33 percent – estimated accuracy of participants
4,000 – Number of times Shredder target was hit by flying pizzas
 10 percent – Percentage of participates that hit the target on all three attempts (it was tough!)
 18,000+: slices of Pizza Hut Cheesy Bites pizzas were sampled
 800+: Number of pizza boxes were used to make the furniture featured into the Pizza Hut/TMNT experience
 August 8: Opening day of Paramount Pictures Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

San Diego Dragstrip (Paradise Mesa?)

Thanks to John Hansford who found it on the Torqued Up forum in England

Paradise Mesa was a airfield near Naval Auxiliary Air Station Brown Field

After the war the field closed in 1946, having completed the role of training new pilots.

The Landing Field had a single 3,000-foot east/west asphalt runway. The Navy leased 135.45 acres of grassland from Rancho de la NaciĆ³n for the Landing Field.

In 1949 the runway became a private civil airport, the Sweetwater Dam Airport also called the Paradise Mesa Airstrip. 

The Airport is named after the nearby Sweetwater Dam that makes the Sweetwater Reservoir. The Airport closed in 1951 and the runway became home to the Paradise Mesa Drag strip. 

The Carlsbad, California's Oilers Club help start the drag strip with the first meet on March 11, 1951. At its peak, 25 clubs were using the strip. The drag strip closed in 1959.