Just an fyi. I finally made the time to look through that list for the first time in a couple years.
serious disappointment. I've cut at least 10 sites in the first 1/2 of my list, and that's ridiculous.
Update Dec 29th... holy crap this is effing ridiculous how many sites have given up, dried up, or disappeared. I've deleted about another 10 today
serious disappointment. I've cut at least 10 sites in the first 1/2 of my list, and that's ridiculous.
Update Dec 29th... holy crap this is effing ridiculous how many sites have given up, dried up, or disappeared. I've deleted about another 10 today
My webhost for Classicdragsters.com made some changes and now I can't make updates. He gives me the space, so I can't really complain much. I've been thinking of changing it over to a blog or something though.