A private museum in Canada gets a bit of publicity for it's exquisite automobiles

 The Al Johnson collection in Aldergrove, North of Washington State, in the Vancouver region
 A 1930 Cord Cabriolet with Woodlight headlights (I love those)
A rare Diana, of 1927, was the first car to start his collection

Story and photos from http://www.vancouversun.com/cars/Barn+houses+vintage+vehicles+from+unheralded+makers/6276202/story.html via the amazing and diverse Vintage Racing League newsletter http://multibriefs.com/briefs/vrl/index.php

other cool things that caught my eye at the Qualcomm swap meet

 The below are film canister mailers.. a movie on a reel would be put into it's can, then that can would be placed in the below package, and they would be couriered to the next movie theater