Leadsled 65 Jag MK 10, owned by shoemaker John Fluevog

The Jaguar MK 10 that Sigurd Fluevog bought back in 1965 with his son along, was a rusted-out hulk, ready for the scrapyard. But the father and son decided to make a crusier out of it ... very cool. They went to RX Autoworks in north Vancouver, which does Pebble Beach Concours winning stuff.

They lowered the roof four inches, lengthened the front about three inches, changed the wheel well shape, lengthened the headlights two inches, changed the tail lights.
It’s got more modern Jaguar steering, air conditioning, a Lt1 Corvette engine, air suspension and a croc-skin interior.

For a full gallery of the San Diego Auto Show

http://flickr.com/photos/50486801@N00/ Rob Conaway is a San Diego chef who has a lot of websites going on, and takes great photos with a Nikon d50. Amazing what you can learn without leaving your laptop and just reading other peoples "About" pages. http://robconaway.com/blog/

Trains and Automobiles... .both have horns, but putting a train air horn in your SUV shocks the hell out of pedestrians! Funny video!

How many times have you wished you could have a real train horn, or marinefog horn secretly mounted beneath your Mercury Marauder? HornBlasters has the full kits including air compressors and horns for you to make people go deaf. The DVD is equally as hilarious, wait till you see when they do it to a cop that pulled them over!


Unique Plymouth Sport wagon that was taken to Mr Norms for the works, and Mr Norm always came through

If you look to the upper left corner of this website, and find the "search" function, enter Mr Norms and it will take you to the previous posts I've made about Mr Norms. Same goes for this wagon http://justacarguy.blogspot.com/2007/07/cars-are-meant-to-be-enjoyed-so-if-you.html#links . I first came across it at the 2007 San Diego Mopar Club car show (my club) that we put on in Oceanside.
This wagon started life as a 68 wagon, with a 383. But the '69 and 1/2 Roar Runners and 440 6 pack Super Bee's came along and the factory hoods, Edelbrock carbs, etc got the owners attention.

So an immediate upgrade via Mr Norms Gran Spaulding Dodge dealership (and factory technicians) who did dynotuning and installed hi performance parts for customers.

Frequently seen at the El Cajon wednesday night car cruise

If I recall correctly the owner told me this started out as a 318 plain jane Challenger, and then got a new life after everything was upgraded.