Friday, September 20, 2024

not that most intelligent people aren't aware that Chicago cops are corrupt, but, did you realize a few are either full of shit, or time travelers? How? One wrote parking tickets block apart, and put down that they happened at the same time.

Data CBS News Chicago obtained from a public records request showed that officer wrote 32 tickets between midnight and 4:50 a.m

Additionally, two tickets were written a block apart, but at the exact same time. 3:35 a.m.

Chicago PD avoids further pubic shame by refusing to disclose more of the tickets written by this officer, or any others, claiming that it's "too burdensome" to get that info for the news. 

Chicago PD also acknowledged it does not track ticket-writing by specific officers. If it did, assholes making shit up to keep up with their quota, or any other unprofessional fuck ups like the one noted above, would BE ON THE PUBLIC RECORD, and cops wouldn't be able to HIDE from public scrutiny. 

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