Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Just watched "Tales of the Rat Fink" 2006, Amazon Prime, and can tell you, don't effing bother wasting your time on this

 there's maybe 15 minutes on the things he created. 

There's at least 30 minutes on what hot rodding was, how it got started, where it was in Los Angeles, and other total waste of screen time garbage. 

there's very little on who he worked with, what they made together, there's nothing on what Roth did after 1966, until the 2000 Roth Reunion. 

There's nothing on the trikes and choppers, and magazine. 

Seriously, wtf was the point of this, to cash in on Roth's reputation? Who the fuck is Ron Mann? "producer and director" And who was the "consultant"  Oliver Trager? 

Looking on google about them, proves neither rose above mediocrity in "documentaries" 

This "documentary" about Roth and Rat Fink isn't worth lining a parrots cage with. 

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