Tuesday, June 25, 2024

an Australian driver in Sydney was fined $387 after traffic cameras photographed her holding phone—or a sunglasses case

Australia, freshly infested with high-definition traffic cameras, is issuing substantial fines to drivers filmed using phones—or holding anything that looks like one, such as a sunglasses case.

A woman in Syndey was upset to learn that proving she owns a case consistent with the image is immaterial to the enforcing agency—whose name, "Revenue NSW", seems to offer a clue about the priorities at hand.

In May a Sydney driver was wrongly fined $387 and 10 demerit points for handling his wallet while behind the wheel, while another driver last year was fined $362 for holding a children's toy.


  1. Australia use to be a great place but no so much anymore. Went down for R&R and really enjoyed myself but to many rules for my ole carcass! They don't allow guns these days so I would never go back. Lots of US states are the same way so I don't go their either.

  2. “How did you go bankrupt?"
    Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.”
    ― Ernest Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises

  3. Where does all the distraction from huge screens that you have to touch to adjust the AC come into play?

    1. having our attention, and hands, on the controls, radio, etc, has always been a part of driving, and though technically it's "distracted driving" it's nothing compared to the modern brain dead actions of people who are talking on a phone with the phone in their hand... speaker phone, somehow, isn't very distracting at all... and neither is changing the temp controls or the radio stations, probably because the brain uses different methods of dealing with it's attention, like breathing automatically or with focused control.
