Wednesday, August 16, 2023

I love that fresh discovery of an interesting car that I've never seen or heard of before... many of those are from Australia, South America, or South Africa


  1. Jesse, what is that? I should ask permission to join the group on the Facebook, so I can't check. My guess is a Falcon XB hardtop derivate. Very interesting car indeed.

    1. the facebook page said it was from Brazil, but since everyone researched and found it was from Australia, it goes to show that joining that page on Facebook would be a waste of time, they are posting without having facts, or knowing what it is they are looking at. I've never seen one, I had no clue if it was South American, Australian, or South African. They had odd stuff too

  2. After a little search, I can answer my own question: This is an Australian 197x Ford Landau hardtop coupe. The plate is also Australian, from state Victoria. It is indeed a Falcon XB hardtop coupe derivative, something similar to as Mercury Cougars and Ford Mustangs related to each other.

    There was a Ford Landau called car in Brazil, but not related to each other:

    It was suspicious, because if there would be a car looks very similar to the Falcon XB, with the steering wheel on the left, there would be much more "Last of the V8's" Mad Max Interceptor replica around. ;-)

  3. Australian Ford Landau

  4. Looks like a Ford Landau

  5. That's the sexy beast edition.....
