Friday, March 10, 2023

I found a gallery of WW2 civilian efforts, like the scrap drives, victory gardens, etc

Dorothy Lamour in Boston for war bond drive

Victory Garden on a garage

but I'd never learned (until this moment) that cities changed their parks to Victory Gardens! That was not mentioned in the history books I had in high school

all the iron fences were dismantled, even at the state house, and the Governor took the time to make a photo op

shows how Boston Commons looked after the fences were removed

I added these to illustrate the other unknown efforts of the civilians to use every resource to add to the scrap drives... in ways I've never learned of before

and this one surprised me the most, a Checker Taxi fleet parked and the tires removed for the rubber to get used by the military

and I'd never heard of the license plate recycling effort

and I think this is extremely interesting, one of 17 War of 1812 cannons, used as bollards and street edging at the Boston Navy Yard, pulled out and turned in for WW2 scrap. Wow.

1 comment:

  1. As a child born during WWII, I learned of much of this from my family and neighbors. Thank you for bringing this to the fore for our fellow Americans. T Nation did amazing things for Freedom. After the war, we were still saving aluminum foil to be sold. Aluminum foil was used in chewing gum wrappings.
