Sunday, December 04, 2022

when pulled over for breaking a law, flashing your badge only proves that a cop is corrupt. They are professionally trained to know what law they are breaking, and to not do that, and to not try to get out of a ticket by flashing a badge. They do it anyway

Tampa Police Chief Mary O'Connor is on body camera footage from a traffic stop last month when she told a deputy she was “hoping that you'll just let us go tonight” and flashed her badge. She was a passenger in a golf cart. 

The video shows O’Connor ask the deputy whether his body camera is on, and when he responds that it is, she says, “I’m the police chief in Tampa." The deputy asks how she’s doing.

“I’m doing good. I’m hoping that you’ll just let us go tonight,” O’Connor says as she opens her badge case and hands it to her husband, the video shows.

they were getting a moment with a cop, because they took the gold cart off the residential area where they are allowed, outside that area they must have license plates.... and hers, does not. It was on a public road, without a license plate. 

She could have just let the ticket happen, like a grown up, but instead, stuck her integrity, public trust, and career on the chopping block, where I hope it gets hacked off

corrupt cops lose their god damn minds when they get to hammer on anyone that breaks a law, and forget that perspective every time they are breaking a law, and get caught. 

1 comment:


    She's resigning
