I don't think I've ever seen a "Stop" sign like this before... but some of you have, and recognized that it's a stop sign for the trolley car... (thanks Steve!)

 That PCC (Presidents’ Conference Committee) streetcar/tram is on Pittsburgh's No. 13 (Emsworth) route on Center Ave., just about to cross North St. That route was in operation from at least 1915 to September 3, 1966.


someone is biking across America, (loop style) and blogging about it!


I don't have time enough to get into the pages and photos they've posted in the past 52 days, in order to get into specifics like names, etc etc

But maybe you do, and want to start reading along with a new adventure... 

I'll try to make time later, but time is something I can do nothing about except see how much I can get done each day.... with blogging, relaxing, cat sitting for a friend who had to go stay with her parents in her dad's last 2 weeks to live (cancer - fuck you cancer) and now will stay with her mom for a couple weeks until she gets her sea legs under her as this will be the first time in 80s some years that she's ever lived alone, and finally, I'll be taking some guitar lessons thanks to my good friend I'm cat sitting for. (this wasn't a trade, it was coincidence. She asked me months ago what I wanted for xmas... and cancer struck her dad hard and fast, and metastasized fast) so with things, and a job, there's very little time for me to be reading about weeks of a bike ride in order to make a decent post this afternoon