Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Have you heard of the car cave of Ceredigion Wales? Before you get too upset at the pollution of the ground water, keep in mind, the mic mac all over the river banks of the USA. This isn't unique, people suck everywhere

by guessing the era of the cars underwater, we can guess that the locals have been tossing junk into this cave for the past 50 years or more, instead of getting it hauled to a junkyard, or recycled for the WW2 scrap drive efforts

this was a mine that opened up around 1836 and closed around 1960



  1. This is like the drain pipes we'd have to track down for safety reasons in the Air Force. Paint stripper, engine degreaser, etc. were dumped into what people thought were underground tanks, but when asked how often the tank was emptied and where the waste went, no one knew. Usually it meant that the bottom of the tank had rotted away decades ago and the crud was leeching into the earth. On another occasion we were horrified to see that the outlet of a chemical dumping drain exited into a local stream, only to find out that the clay pipe had failed far from the stream and MEK and 111 trichloroethane had gotten into the ground water. The 'not my problem' guys all had a different tune when they found out their kids were consuming a human carcinogen.

    1. Damn, that sounds just like the OMD factory I posted about a couple weeks ago, all the machine shop cutting fluid was tossed down the floor drains, and leaked slowly into the ground water. And people wonder why the world is crazy... hell, Ireland just released the news that their tap water has 10 times the allowed amount of lead... and of course, Flint Michigans lead water problem... how many lunatics are just chemically effed in the head?
