Saturday, June 01, 2019

1969 Police helicopter spraying tear gas on a student demonstration over University of Berkeley, USA. Well, it's not as bad as Kent State, but they started with tear gas at Kent state before they shot and killed students

Because it seems letting a bunch of tuition paying hippies protest until they get tired of it, stoned, and change their minds would take too long?

Or because cops have always felt the compulsion to jump in and be bullies when things are peacefully working themselves out slowly enough to convince people in power to let them off the leash to create havoc?

This is Kent State, May 4, 1970. Notice the tear gas?

so to narrowminded shortsighted dumb bastards like commentor MGB77, did you forget so fast that the students at Kent State were the same as these at Berkeley, but at Kent State, they were murdered.

Anyone that doesn't like my recall of govt ordered murder can piss off, history happened. Innocent people died for protesting a war the politicians were too cowardly to end, which killed their classmates, friends, and relatives they graduated high school with.

That's all real... the bullshit in the comment " Disgruntled students took over a public college and prevented law-abiding students from accessing that in which they had paid for. It was a violent takeover that Gov. Ronald Reagan thankfully suppressed " is certainly a deluded view that condones the murders at Kent State, by condoning the same methodology of tear gassing these students at Berkeley which likely would have continued with the same results as Kent State.

Anyone that doesn't agree? Ought to get a second opinion


  1. Really? You're upset and instead of discussing this, like an educated ( as you mentioned I should read a book, I take it you're a frequent book reader, there for highly educated and not a plebe) person who portray's themselves as well mannered, you cut and run like ghetto trash.
    My opinion on police pepper spraying isn't quite as ridiculous as your point of view that on my blog I'm going to do it your way.
    If and when approached by someone who isn't rude, I'll often take the time to get a look at things from their point of view, or research something to see why they find me at fault
    But since you're gone? Fuck it. Why bother wasting my time with your point of view when I've got so much more to post about to entertain my readers with?
    They were, in your own words, students. So, they paid to be there. You think they weren't law abiding? You say they were violent? And that the governor was involved in sorting it out? Really?
    By the way, my site, my opinions, and often, my mistakes. You've got shit to do with making it any better by getting pissed off and cutting out.
    The readership and fans just got that much better by not having your bullshit attitude of contemptuous arrogance around any longer.

  2. oh, hey shit for brains? Is that what you say about the Kent State Massacre too? Look into reality for a change
