Sunday, June 15, 2014

Can you immediately see why this unsual pedal thing wasn't a success?

If a kid were to (and you can bet they're going to) run into anything, that single handle is going to ram into a kid very painfully in the groin, throat, or face. How did the designers not see that before going into production?

Thanks Richard! For sending me this photo!

1 comment:

  1. To answer your question, my guess is that product safety back in those days was never very high up on the list of considerations taken when a new toy was developed. The designer was probably more focused on marketing this thing as a pretend jet fighter with a joystick instead of trying to sell a plain old pedal car (plus it would have been much cheaper to produce).

    I had an all steel pedal car when I was a kid, back in the 50's, and I can remember pedalling up a hill (and pulling hard on the steering wheel) when the nut fell off of it and I smashed the steering wheel into my nose - welcome to day one at the school of hard knocks LOL !!

    Fortunately, the toys of today are much safer, thanks to the various consumer safety advocates and the government regulations now in place.
